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KONE MonoSpace® DX elevator for full replacement

KONE MonoSpace® DX for full replacement

By replacing your existing elevator with the KONE MonoSpace® DX you can redefine the elevator experience with built-in connectivity for improved people flow and a new and inspiring user experience that really connects – on every level.

Powered by the compact, energy-efficient KONE EcoDisc® hoisting motor, elevator modernization with the KONE MonoSpace® DX saves valuable space in your building by completely removing the need for a machine room. This means that elevator replacement can free up valuable space for more profitable purposes.

Key features

  • Digital connectivity - Future-proof your building with an elevator that offers new digital services and solutions enabled by cloud connectivity and based on KONE APIs.
  • Best-in-class eco-efficiency – Save energy and cut your building’s carbon footprint with a machine room-less elevator that offers eco-efficient hoisting, high-efficiency regenerative drive, long-lasting LED lighting, and energy-saving standby operation.
  • Carbon neutrality – Take a step closer to your climate targets with our option to compensate for the remaining embodied CO2 emissions of your MonoSpace® DX elevator.
  • A redefined elevator experience – Create a memorable and inspiring elevator experience for tenants and visitors with our new material, lighting, and signalization options.
  • Compliance you can rely on – With the KONE MonoSpace® DX you can rest assured that your building’s elevators are compliant with all relevant codes and regulations, including accessibility, vandal-resistance, and operation during a fire.
  • Easy to upgrade – With easy digital integration and the possibility to upgrade in the future as your needs change, you’re all set to add new connected services as and when you need them.
  • Space efficiency – Because everything is installed inside the elevator shaft, you can reclaim the machine room as rentable floor space. You can also improve accessibility with a bigger elevator car that has wider-opening doors – all in the same shaft space.

KONE MonoSpace DX Ausführungen

Ideal für die Personenbeförderung unter unterschiedlichen Anforderungen, Ansprüchen und Bedürfnissen.

ModellEinsatzMaschinenraumOffene Schnittstellen / CO2-neutralMax. FörderhöheMax. Geschw.Max. BeladungMax. Gruppe
KONE MonoSpace® 700 DXPersonenaufzug für mittelhohe bis hohe Gebäude mit mittlerem bis hohem Personenaufkommen.NeinJa90 m3 m/s2.500 kg / 33 Personen6
KONE MonoSpace® 500 DX
Personenaufzug für niedrige und mittelhohe Gebäude mit mittlerem Personenaufkommen.NeinJa75 m1.75 m/s1.150 kg / 15 Personen4
KONE MonoSpace® 300 DX
Kosteneffizienter Personenaufzug für niedrige und mittelhohe Gebäude mit geringem Personenaufkommen.NeinJa40 m1 m/s1.000 kg / 13 Personen2

KONE MonoSpace® DX elevator for full replacement

Planungstools, die Ihre Arbeit erleichtern

Planungstools, die Ihre Arbeit erleichtern

Sparen Sie Zeit und planen Sie Ihren Aufzug bis ins kleinste Detail – einschließlich des Kabineninnenraums – laden Sie CAD- und BIM-Modelle herunter und erwecken Sie Ihr Design in 3D zum Leben.

Other KONE elevators for full replacement

KONE MiniSpace™ DX

High-speed passenger elevator with compact machine room for high-rise buildings.

  • MAX. TRAVEL 210 m
  • MAX. LOAD 26 persons
  • MAX. SPEED 4.0 m/s

KONE TranSys™ DX

Adaptable and durable goods and passenger elevator for public transport, retail, and hospital buildings.

  • MAX. TRAVEL 40 m
  • MAX. LOAD 53 persons
  • MAX. SPEED 1.6 m/s

KONE NanoSpace™ DX

Quick to install and space efficient, so you can soon enjoy an elevator car that's up to 50% bigger with no changes to your existing shaft.

  • MAX. TRAVEL 40 m
  • MAX. LOAD 8 persons
  • MAX. SPEED 1.0 m/s

Verwandte Themen


KONE Care™

Wenn es um Wartungsservices geht, gibt es keine Einheitsgröße, die für alle passt.

Formularz kontaktowy


My query is about *|Installing new equipment in a new building|Installing new equipment in an existing building|Maintenance|24/7 Connected Services|Other
Equipment/service type *|Elevators|Autowalks|Escalators|Doors|Advanced People Flow solutions|People Flow planning|Other

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